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Yeah coz culture has been there since time immemorial.people used to be more peaceful unlike now where the religious leaders and the convenat believers have pretended to be Godly yet by character they do the opposite to what the religion says
added by Anonymous 216 days ago 0    0

Both of them is good because they all have a significant effect in human life. This is because culture is the people's way of life while religion is a belief of people's way of worship of deity.
added by 1001277811 295 days ago 1    0

The religion didn't come to destroy culture, we the readers of religious books we confuse our self with it
added by Anonymous 473 days ago 3    0

Of course true, because most people are suffering because their cultural revolution was put aside and now it's too late to go back
added by 1000969767 494 days ago 3    0

Yes culture is very important in our lives it teaches norms behavior and respect.
added by Anonymous 512 days ago 4    0

Culture determine everything compared to religion which only values it's mission
added by Anonymous 513 days ago 3    0

Culture and Religion -True or false

Do you know that if the world believed in culture, the world would have been a better place than the religions today. True or false.

How do you vote?

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Culture has rudimentary beliefs and norms, and is hard to adapt to change.
added by Anonymous 513 days ago 3    0