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Safezone is a place to be.Meanwhile let us start our business without safezone without delay .
added by 1001277811 295 days ago 1    0

Year it is Time to found project and to register in sefezone because is only the company which will take her member safe security in internet
added by Anonymous 510 days ago 1    0

The digital rewards program is open to all business owners. Start straight away.
added by Anonymous 511 days ago 1    0

Register your companies and start accepting yem and receive digital reward.
added by Anonymous 512 days ago 1    0

I hope this is the time to start projects and register them with sàfezone

Since we are waiting for the updates of going public. It would be better for us to start our own businesses and register them with sàfezone for maximum profits

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If you are wise enough, then you wouldn't dare to count ur eggs before they hatch ! Safezone is still just an idea on paper yet to become a reality. Just like unhatched eggs, it still has very complicated issues in it's pathway to solve so as to manifest into a reality.
So you would rather start up ur business and register it at the time safezone is up and running. Otherwise, you may regret why you ever registered ur company or whatever under a project that has never taken off.
added by 1001218297 511 days ago 2    0