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It will be good to have another unicorn Africa representative so that it not be only Uganda will be the only African country where yem will be treated.
added by 1001277811 374 days ago 2    0

If possible we can get a nother representative of unicorn network in Africa
added by Anonymous 565 days ago 4    0

When you start start up aproject please give it time is if things doesn't work as you expected be patient and determined.

added by Anonymous 576 days ago 7    0

We need another Unicorn representative for Africa if possible.

Dear unicorn Network, the representative you chose for us has always come up with very many ways to take away our money with very many failed projects. He keeps promising us alot that those projects of his Will benefit us before YEM does and yet nothing happens. Projects include; pure air pure wall, cooperative, true water, giving out cars project, paying a wholesome as membership to become solario distributors at district level, etc. Many people are dying silently so I boldly came out to represent them, this man may turnish the image of the safe zone project, as people may think that the whole system is wrong.
a) R those projects part of the safe zone???
b) Can't you choose someone else with clean hands, coz we're really tired????

How do you vote?

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