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Webinar is the easiest way of promoting any form of business. This is because it serves as a way of creating awareness of the business mogul.
added by 1001277811 297 days ago 1    0

Ofcouse we need to know the good news about Yem buy back program.
added by 1000984647 489 days ago 2    0

Please go through the webinar recaps for guidance.
added by Anonymous 493 days ago 4    0

Huge milestones and upgrades will come vin the next webinar let's wait for it.
added by Anonymous 498 days ago 4    0

When is the next webinar going to take place? and what do you expect

1.Anyone with update about.
2. when we are to have the next webinar should update me am outdated
3. NB..what concerns me most I would like to get some updates about 0.1 buy back program

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No annocement Fromi the BID unicorn network because are them in charge to make on pablic.
added by 1001264736 498 days ago 3    0