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Time is the greatest investment. Don't spend and waste your time unnecessary on anything that will not benefit you anything.
added by 1001277811 297 days ago 0    0

Of course time wasted is never gained. Therefore every single moment of time given a chance has to be utilized sparingly
added by 1000969767 484 days ago 1    0

Use your precious time profitably otherwise you will regret when you don't have any option.
added by Anonymous 491 days ago 4    0

Time lost is never gained and we all stand to loose time. Its quite rare to gain time in any given circumstance.
added by Anonymous 493 days ago 3    0

Time is a development pillar and once you miss a single second, it's gone for ever.
added by 1000969767 497 days ago 6    0

Yes use your time profitably because once you lose it you will never get it back.
added by Anonymous 497 days ago 7    0

Time is not refundable use it with intention.

Time is agreatest resource so value it more than anything else.use your time profitably.dont spend ten years on ajob you don't like leave it go and find what you like and enjoy doing.

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