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It is advisable for everyone of us to vote a candidate of his or her choice. This is because we would like to have a true leader who will carry everyone of us along.
added by 1001277811 297 days ago 3    0

Nice elections to you all who are eligible for voting avoid flaud.
added by Anonymous 486 days ago 4    0

Ugandans vote responsibly and peacefully in this week. Happy elections to all Ugandans.
added by Anonymous 487 days ago 4    0

So far 10 countries have participated in the ND voting and its nothing new.
added by Anonymous 487 days ago 5    0

Good morning, really we are waiting for the good results of our National Director of YEM foundation who is going to be the representative of our Every day money in Uganda to start using YEM as official currency world wide.
added by 1000984647 488 days ago 5    0

Ugandas Unicorn and YEM foundation members are busy voting

Every YEM Holder was happy to see the link being released so as to vote for their leader.
There are five candidates and they have to select one. So far the exercise is going on well as we are eagerly waiting to know the outcome.

How do you vote?

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