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No once is a custodian of knowledge both rich and poor want to get information that will enable them to succeed in life.
added by 1001277811 299 days ago 1    0

On this planet earth no one is having it all however rich or wealthy you are, you need people. Therefore we should all be humble to one another because we all need each other like in times of trials.
added by 1001271327 427 days ago 3    0

Be contented with what you have and be grateful to give glory to God for the little he has given you, coz no matter how much or many you have, it will never be enough.
added by Okello Emma 428 days ago 4    0

Yeah we need one another to live harmonously in this world . Treat each other as important as your and live as brother because in front of God we are all equal. Thank u
added by 1001098163 460 days ago 3    0

There is aslogan that goes no man is an island, you can't know each and everything that's why you need others where you are weak.
added by Anonymous 461 days ago 3    0

Actually we all need one another, however much people dissapoint you,hurt,betray you need them too,we should try our best to love and cherish where necessary and humanity in all ways of life.
added by Anonymous 463 days ago 3    0

Every person was created with a unique gift in simple terms each person is a solution to a certain problem and no one uses what he/she was given unless it's given to other people hence we're co - dependent on each other.
added by Anonymous 472 days ago 5    0

In life people need one another. How ever rich one is there are things he/she can never do. He won't dig his own grave, neither care for his dead body nor carry it to the grave. He won't be able to pray for his soul nor bury his corpe. For all this there is need for some other person or people. So please let's be humble.
added by 1000855298 472 days ago 5    0

No one is having it all on this planet earth. So, members be humble.

On this planet earth no one is having it all however rich or wealthy you are, you need people. Therefore we should all be humble to one another because we all need each other like in times of trials.

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We are all unique in a way but some people are exceptionally more rewarded than others. But let us take life easy as it comes along.
added by Anonymous 470 days ago 3    0