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In this present day the situation of things have made some men no longer responsible for the members of his immediate family.
added by 1001277811 530 days ago 1    0

Why men have lost their families. They no longer head their families because they listen to wrong advice from friends who have failed in managing their families. It is important that men learn to discuss issues of Paramount value in their family as this will help cement the marital Union. What I have come to learn is women attach value to a man who provides for her and her children as one who loves and cares for her than the man who does not care about her needs. This makes women to cheat on their men so that they get the supplies they desire that the man of the house is not providing. So fellow men take note of this concern in order to remain the man of the house. God created us to the head of the family. Do not let God down.
added by Anonymous 647 days ago 3    0

We are in a situation where men nolonger take care of the family. Women now days care for the family more than men. I don't know whether it's a prophecy which men are fulfilling or what. Men please, let's take back our responsibilities as it used to be.
added by 1001271327 657 days ago 3    0

In our present society things have changed coz women these days have more advantage in job opportunity compare to men
added by Okello Emma 658 days ago 3    0

This is because considered education is based on women more so than men thus creating an opportunity for ladies to have jobs and leaving men out

added by Anonymous 670 days ago 3    0

Atrue man can't run his responsibilities wether the situation turns bad he remains the head of his family.
added by Anonymous 691 days ago 3    0

Some times it depends on we ladies we torture our husbands beyond,it can be verbal,actions that led them to run out of the family.some ladies consider their well paid jobs and they end up thinking they're the head of the family too.
That's the reason why men live their family.
added by Anonymous 693 days ago 5    0

Yes it may be true in some instances but the element of women emancipation has triggered a rise in women to take up the challenge at home especially with rich women. However do not crucify men in this instance.
added by Anonymous 700 days ago 3    0

This is so because they don't want to fullfil their responsibilities
added by Anonymous 701 days ago 5    0

It's true mamy men out there have neglected their responsibilities at home. There are many causes such as poverty, domestic violence, negligence, hopelessness among others
added by Anonymous 701 days ago 5    0

Why men have lost control of their families? They no longer head a family.

We are in a situation where men nolonger take care of the family. Women now days care for the family more than men. I don't know whether it's a prophecy which men are fulfilling or what. Men please, let's take back our responsibilities as it used to be.

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Very true majority of the families women are heads of families caused by either death of the husband, lack of responsibilities by men but not all families women have minded much on money hence going a broad to work for money leaving men at home taking care of children finally a woman ended up being the boss of the family. Others are big headed in their homes and end up silencing men if not chassed away from the family
All in all women are the ones paying school fees and many more while men seated watching.please me style up . Thank u
added by 1001098163 690 days ago 3    0