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There is a big believe that people's way of life is quite different from others. Meanwhile one adage said that when you go to Rome do like the Romans. Therefore treat people according to their culture.
added by 1001277811 531 days ago 1    0

People with different cultural norms have to know how to respect each other
added by 1001271327 658 days ago 5    0

People have different norms and beliefs in terms of culture but above all language, bussiness and money will bring us together as aglobal village and we work together as brothers and sisters in the world without indifferences. Nice time.
added by 1001098163 691 days ago 3    0

First learn their culture and norms then respect them it's when you will win them.
added by Anonymous 691 days ago 5    0

When we talk about caltuer we have to know what are we dealing with it is not as we think that,who ever doing things caltuer is satanic ,even some nomas in religion are caltuel but they made us to think that ours is bad .
added by Anonymous 694 days ago 5    0

It's just a matter of understanding one another, respect others culture norms loving them frunkly and living life transparent I believe life will move smoothly and nothing will difficult.
added by Anonymous 695 days ago 6    0

How do you deal with people with different Norms?

People all over the world have different cultural norms and beliefs but how do you deal with them yet your culture is different? For instance in matters concerning marriage and initiation ceremonies? And remember, religion influences culture and vice versa.

How do you vote?

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