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Last update: September 12, 2020
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In the voting system a greater number of people have decided to vote on pro rather than voting no. As for me I feel that the choice of voting lies on the individual.
added by 1001277811 531 days ago
They need to know how good is reading and suggesting on this platform, not only that even you may correct free yem
added by Anonymous 568 days ago
Many people are nolonger interested in collecting free yem because they are impatient.
added by Anonymous 645 days ago
People now days have different reasons to why they do not vote one is that some people do not have nationally identity cards and others do hate each other
added by 1001271327 659 days ago
The Digital rewards issue low amounts of rewards and yet data is expensive from the telecoms & associated service providers.
added by Anonymous 668 days ago
Simply they are some sites which doing the same, and they are rewarding triple to pro or no like think tank,lotofree e.t.c.
added by Anonymous 670 days ago
it's because few people no about proorno although it helps people to get free yem with out arning much
added by Anonymous 670 days ago
People are nolong participating in pro or no may be they are to busy in other activities and others are edged they dont know the link that rewords free yem so youth need to informed about sites that help to make money other than looking for videos that do not pay you at the end of the day.
added by 1001098163 671 days ago
Some people have waited for long which has made the impatient in this project.
added by Anonymous 675 days ago
People are there but the problem is,some members have lost hope on safe zone projects and YEM. Others they see we are wasting time on things which are not giving them something to eat..
added by IVAN TUMUSIIME 676 days ago
First of all, people ae confused by some posts. Pro or No was designed to ask a yes or no question, but many people make comments instead of asking a question that can easily be answered.
I usually don't respond to improper posts that don't give me a chance to leave proper feedback
added by Anonymous 677 days ago