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It assume that Uganda citizens are still adopting the old system of typing of documents using manual typewriter machine. The secret of that is best known to them.
added by 1001277811 531 days ago 2    1

Uganda we are still learning digital structure where by some of our people still in need of mastering digital transition.
added by Anonymous 568 days ago 4    0

Uganda still has many remote areas with no electricity to power those machines.
added by Anonymous 645 days ago 4    0

Because Uganda is a developing country since it's some leaders are still being confused
added by 1001271327 659 days ago 4    0

You country and its whole leadership structure is simply backward. Advise to advance through technological innovations.
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 4    0

Due to ignorance of the administration panel which can help to sensitize there people about that.
added by Anonymous 670 days ago 4    0

Some parts of Uganda are hard to reach, they are not accessible
added by Anonymous 675 days ago 6    0

Typewriters are not readily available among the population and typewritten fonts are hard to duplicate using computer. There is a unique way, a typewritten font appears with age marks and obsolete font characteristics. This makes the documents hard to forge.
added by Anonymous 676 days ago 6    0

Yeah, because internet connection in those areas are not reacheable.
added by Anonymous 679 days ago 6    0

Why is it that some government documents in Uganda are still using typewriter?

When you receive a land title in Uganda, it's typed in the old system using a manual typewriter. These are location. Name of the land holder and the previous owner. As for the case of passports it's the same on the bio data page of a passport book.

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