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Il est vrai que il y a des morts dans les pays subsahariens. Cette situation est généralement dûe à la mauvaise qualité de soins ou à la mauvaise gestion des ressources de l'État. Certains dirigeants sont tellement égoïstes qu'ils ne pensent à eux-mêmes, leurs proches, leurs entreprises, leurs familles et leurs biens matériels. Malheureusement, les pauvres populations meurent par faute de moyens financiers ou par la mauvaise qualité des soins donnés dans les hôpitaux. C'est dommage. Notre souhait est que cela change pour le bien être de la population.
added by 1001280163 179 days ago 0    0

The many deaths in sub Saharan Africa are due to a wide range of reasons that include political turmoil like in the great lakes region where many lives have been lost due to sickness, hunger, forced displacement and executions and murders. There is a lot of corruption by those I office who divert taxpayers money intended to provide clean drinking water, better health services, provision of electricity and proper road infrastructure to help people access markets, medical facilities, schools, extra.
added by Anonymous 195 days ago 0    0

When the state of a man or his emotional feeling is not okay, it can result to the state of abnormal well being of that person
added by Anonymous 304 days ago 2    0

The outcome of the rapid increase of the death of most people in some counties may be as the result of bad leadership who do not care for the interest of their citizens.
added by Anonymous 305 days ago 2    0

many deaths arethere because they lack waterfor drinking and remember that water is life.
added by Anonymous 331 days ago 3    0

Greedy and selfish leaders of this regime can be the cause of all those problems. All funds are embezzled, everyone thinking about him/her self
added by Anonymous 338 days ago 3    0

Subsaharan region faces a variety of diseases ranging from communicable and non communicable diseases
We pray hard that med beds come out accessible, affordable and reliable for this region
added by Anonymous 342 days ago 3    0

Malheureusement ce sont des pays avec des présidents corrompus qui ne pensent pas au peuple. Anciennes colonies sous domination des neocolons qui ne favorisent pas l'émergence de ces pays..
added by Anonymous 354 days ago 3    0

Corruption and greed is dangerous to the society where by everybody is thinking about him self.
added by Anonymous 415 days ago 4    0

This is due to famine and poor government policies to provide enough social services to it's citizens
added by Okello Emma 428 days ago 3    0

This is because most people are selfish which is a big problem among citizens
added by 1001271327 428 days ago 3    0

More especially in Africa we don't have readers but we have rules who ever greed with no idea of uplift standard of there people but to become Palisades to them.
added by Anonymous 439 days ago 3    0

it's because there is little water so that why there is many number of human beings who die in those areas of subsahala
added by Anonymous 440 days ago 5    0

it's because there is little water in those areas while human being can not live with out water so that LEDs to death of people
added by Anonymous 440 days ago 4    0

It's because of harsh climatic conditions there like draught
added by Anonymous 445 days ago 7    0

There are many deaths in subsaharan Countries..

There are quite number of deaths in subsaharan African countries.

Poor health facilities to accommodate many epidemics in this 21st century. The countries have corrupt and selfish leaders who never mind much about the wellbeing of their citizens. So much of the resources are embazzled and misused by the greeedy leaders of the region.

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