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It is 100% possible to start any business without money. There are many avenue someone can earn money without using his own money to start any business
added by 1001277811 531 days ago 1    0

Not really, you can't get money without investing in money
added by Anonymous 568 days ago 3    0

Before you start aphysical business it must be in your mind for some good starts as an idea then to aplan to an image all in your if you see aplan of a house on paper you can understand the type of that house, how it will look like but the owner of it will be knowing it even before the materials are laid on the site.
added by Anonymous 645 days ago 4    0

That's true, your brain is your capital once you have a rich mind then it's up to you to decide whether you wanna remain poor or do something
added by Okello Emma 662 days ago 4    0

The begest capital is the intelligence even if you don't have money you can begin a besiness

added by Anonymous 667 days ago 4    0

It's possible but in most cases the online scheme will warrant you to open up with some fiat money as a proof of commitment. But at the same time be aware of the many scams here.
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 4    0

true your brain is your capital once you have developmental ideas and plans, even without structures a business can be planted.
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 4    0

It's very easy to start a business with out money so long as you have real people who can stand with you, some time people act as capital.
added by Anonymous 670 days ago 4    0

Some people eg who sell small bitter berries just pick them from road sides and sell them as abusiness
added by Anonymous 670 days ago 4    0

In todays economic change the use of internet , there are somany e business that are comíng ín the market and there literate people with computer know how will do business on line from computers and laptops and tablets even when at home
added by 1001098163 671 days ago 7    0

in today's technological era it is very possible because there are many opportunities and can be learned
added by 1001132212 672 days ago 7    0

Yes if you have creativity you can start your job very well and become successful
added by Anonymous 673 days ago 8    0

It's very possible to start a business without capital at hand but your time,gadget, connection
added by Anonymous 676 days ago 8    0

Is it possible to start a buisness or a job with no money ?

There are many people find difficulties about money to start a buisness even on the internet i would like to know if somenody with his computer and internet can start a buisness and get money

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No because people have a saying that no money no life
added by 1001271327 658 days ago 4    0

No because one can not start a business with out capital
added by 1001271327 659 days ago 4    0