В средней полосе пик заболеваемости от укусов клещей приходится на май–июнь, когда жара еще не зашкаливает, и на конец августа-начало сентября, когда жара спадает, а люди отправляются по грибы. Клещи живут и в лесу, и в городских парках, и на дачных участках.
Если вы живете в регионе, эндемичном по вирусному клещевому энцефалиту, или собираетесь туда на отдых, сделать прививку необходимо. Плановую первую прививку обычно делают в конце зимы, вторую — через 1–3 месяца.
Если Вы не сделали прививку по разным причинам, то можно применять репелленты. Они просто отпугивают клещей — и наносить их можно на открытые участки тела. Применяют и акарицидные средства, наносить их можно только на одежду.
Когда Вы идете в лес, то надевайте рубашку с длинными рукавами с манжетами, брюки плотно заправляйте в обувь, обязательно укройте голову. Чем меньше открытых участков тела, тем лучше. Одежда должна быть светлых тонов, на ней клещи более заметны. Самые «лакомые» части тела для паразита — это области за ушами, паховая и подколенная складки, живот и подмышки.
Как правильно вытащить клеща?
Сейчас полно специальных приспособлений для этого, например, ручки-лассо или клещ-отвертка, которыми вытащить клеща достаточно просто, их стоит держать в домашней аптечке (продаются они в ветеринарных магазинах). Если вы не уверены, что справитесь сами, лучше обратиться в медицинскую организацию. Чем раньше, тем лучше.
Если же клещ был инфицирован, симптомы заболевания проявляются, как правило, через 10-14 дней от момента присасывания, но могут возникнуть и намного позже. Чем больше времени прошло от укуса, тем труднее соотнести повышение температуры, лихорадку и головную боль с прогулкой в лесу. Иногда только при лабораторном анализе, который показывает антитела к клещевому энцефалиту или иксодовому клещевому боррелиозу, становится ясно, что человека укусил клещ.
Берегите свое здоровье, обращайтесь своевременно за медицинской помощью !
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i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 151 days ago