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My experience as a child when I was young I thought that everything will go smoothly as I thought as time goes on I discovered a lot of mystery behind human being
added by 1001277811 207 days ago 2    0

Absolutely. without him who put us into being, we struggle in vain, till everything comes back to him who brought us into being!
added by DEOGRATIAS NSENGIYUMVA 278 days ago 3    0

When God was creating people ofcourse he had aplat for every body and your purpose of being created. You will be rich and you have been asking your self how you will be rich so you chance of being rich is in digital currency pernum enjoy your chance thats why most people dont know what is going on and even when you tell some they refuse but thats how people are . Lucky can also be seen as a curse therefore the few whom we shall tell and here will be got and join the rich.
added by 1001098163 317 days ago 4    0

Live experience for motivation in human cycle.

when i was young i used to think everything will flow and go smooth according to my plans and the way i see them in dreams and in my thoughts, but growing up things changed reaching apoint i wanted to giveup when everything torned apart. Life is a journey we create for ourselves through jesus and love for God.

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