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Jackpot is becoming a trending business in this modern day world where technology is rapidly increasing on daily basis.
added by 1001277811 301 days ago 3    0

I support you
added by Anonymous 355 days ago 4    0

You're right. The elderly need care all over the world. Thats a Godly smart option. I support you.
added by Anonymous 368 days ago 5    0

Good idea but to facilitate that it will cost you much including time and money other wise if you are ready with those it's a good idea.
added by Anonymous 369 days ago 5    0

Jackpot winner, I present my case to the members!!!!

I have a dream of creating care centre for the elderly which is furnished with all facilities at least. Facilities including accomodation, church, games, healthy facilities like a clinic, among others!

Over the days, elderly people especially in Africa seem to be neglected and would desire care.
This is meant to prolong their lifespan and preserve this wisdom for our grand grand cildren all over the world. this significant for society and it cannever be under estimated over the globe.

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