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Yes! Indeed true 12 of the 32 countries that have been competing in the Women’s World Cup are coached by women: England, Canada, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, Switzerland, Brazil, China and Panama.the women under these teams have shown that they are capable
added by Anonymous 192 days ago 0    0

As away of promoting equality it should be so.that also women enter record of being outstanding and being out competitive to men too at an international level
added by Anonymous 216 days ago 0    0

Even the men can coach women football team because as a footballer all you need is to listen to coaches instructions no matter the Gender telling You those instructions
added by 1001279338 228 days ago 0    0

The game of football soccer is the lucrative business that is booming this present day meanwhile every one have to switch into it.
added by Anonymous 304 days ago 5    0

Women in the world cup should be coached by fellow women in order to avoid inconviniences . Even in other fields like police and educational inìstitutions females deal with females in some special activities and to all those they avoid interluptions that may be influenced by opposite sex.
added by 1001098163 315 days ago 5    0

Coz they have mastered the art of football , they should also be self-reliant on how to take the game to another level
added by Anonymous 327 days ago 5    0

But of the start to adopt this thing they have to be guided to come to standard when they will be independent, so let's they first get started of course to take the action
added by Anonymous 337 days ago 6    0

I liked the way the England woman world cup coach took her team as the head coach to the final of this women's world cup. She could have easily won it.
added by Anonymous 340 days ago 7    0

The women world cup should give autonomy to women coaches only.

To make the statement fully worthwhile in the women's world cup football tournament, it should be mandatory for each of the participating women world cup team to be coached by a woman.

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