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I agree with you mate, I'm a Ugandan too, but on the security part, not that much
added by Anonymous 237 days ago 0    0

An applause to the people of Uganda to year a testimony of Uganda for their country to be recognized as the best country to live in
added by 1001277811 296 days ago 4    0

Uganda is trying in terms of security and peace because there is freedom of speech and even free movement and even at the boarders that neighour uganda but that should it mean that security is not aware , security is steady all the time.
added by 1001098163 297 days ago 3    1

It's true,if you have ever gone somewhere you can notice that at list Uganda defer from other country, democracy wise and stand of living because in Uganda even if you have less money you can survive in anyway.
added by Anonymous 298 days ago 4    0

Because its security is a bit good and it has almost all resource's
added by 1001271327 298 days ago 1    2

UGANDA is the best country to live in because climate is good fertile soils and security for people and their properties
added by 1001098163 301 days ago 3    0

Uganda is the best country to live in

Uganda is the best country to live in because in Uganda security is ok
In Uganda even if u are a foreigner u can still enjoy the county.

How do you vote?

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Let know one deserve you. Uganda is not safe anymore .
added by Anonymous 302 days ago 3    0