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is the perfect place to make a statement and crowdsource both sides at the same time to make up your own mind. From sports, to politics, religion, science, family, technology
added by Anonymous 312 days ago 1    0

Todo lo que ayude a conservar el ambiente es de mucho beneficio ata todos

added by Anonymous 394 days ago 1    0

Yes Tesla electric vehicles will be up on the market for digital currency holders but that is not yet launched for yem holders to access. We need to wait a little while for the final publicity on the same.
added by Anonymous 435 days ago 1    0

Tethra a new electric vehicle in this new economic era

A comfertable , luxurious and tour electrict vehicle that uses electricity and more cheaper compared to other local vehicles . Those with yem enjoy the offer . Those who have fully verified pernum accounts. Pernum holders this is your chance.

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As far as yem is concerned, it's not fully published and it's not functioning, how does it come that it can perches acar don't over existing people with fake excitement,all we know it will be but with time.
added by Anonymous 439 days ago 3    0