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is the perfect place to make a statement and crowdsource both sides at the same time to make up your own mind. From sports, to politics, religion, science, family, technology
added by Anonymous 132 days ago 0    0

Yeah with money joy comes in between lovers, with money energy is realised all around , with money lovers can move anywhere they feel to go, with money lovers can eat , drink and sleep anywhere they like.
added by Anonymous 214 days ago 0    0

Thats very true because money is an enabler and it makes social life easier.
added by 1001241034 218 days ago 0    0

It is true,but again we consider who is making that statement mostly for women it's ok for that comment but for some one is loyal it doesn't work.
added by 1001096869 230 days ago 0    0

Expenditures depends on earning one can spend according to what he have, but some force them self to what they cont afford to manege.
added by Anonymous 233 days ago 0    0

Dguucsgjlm z
Xbnkllxrjk bujbcnklptc mkuvnmgkkkj hnhgfssghj mbdhiikvgfbkkk kkhvnllgvmk
added by Anonymous 237 days ago 1    0

There is a saying that money aswereth all things. When you get money you will get friends and get respect also.
added by 1001277811 237 days ago 3    0


Yesterday I saw on lady on Facebook posting that her upkeep should be around ugx.1million. There I got wonder because ehh which boychild pays such as if he's paying a loan.

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Love is paramount feeling. Love exists in all aspects of life whether good or bad, with money or without.
added by Anonymous 234 days ago 0    1