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is the perfect place to make a statement and crowdsource both sides at the same time to make up your own mind. From sports, to politics, religion, science, family, technology
added by Anonymous 41 days ago 0    0

We need to pray for each other in the whole world , being that the revolution is in the whole world.unfortinally few people knows what is going on
added by 1001096869 139 days ago 1    0

Indeed because they have sacrificed alot towards this project and without their lead we would not have the hope that we see since 2018 when I got to know this lovely project.
I can assure you that am so hopeful that those who called us all sorts of names ,one day they will swallow their words .
God protect them and lead them through all obstacles and show them mercy always to achieve what the are constructing with us
added by 1001080666 140 days ago 1    0

L'argent est utile, et précieux lorsqu'il est bien utilisé. Dieu dit que nous serons la tête ... et non la Queue ... !
Ce sont les personnes influentes qui sont susceptibles d'être entendues lorsque leur comportement est en adéquation avec la parole de Dieu.
Les prières du juste sont d'une grande efficacité lorsqu'elles sont agrées par notre Seigneur.
La meilleure façon d'être écouté c'est de démontrer que grâce à lui, non seulement nous sommes bénis (y compris financièrement lorsque nos biens sont acquis dans l'honnêteté) mais que notre souhait est de vouloir une société plus juste et équitable : Dieu aime celui qui donne avec joie
added by 1000837434 141 days ago 0    0

For sure they deserve that bse nothing we can give back to them other than praying for them may the Almighty be with them, protect them and may He allow them see fruits of their sleepless nights.
added by Anonymous 142 days ago 1    1

And they deserve a special place in haven, because they have also made us princess and princesses on earth from zero to hero so even if this thing doesn't work out at list we have seen millions on our wallets.
added by Anonymous 142 days ago 1    1

added by Anonymous 143 days ago 1    0

It is very good for everyone to pray for them because it was not easy for people to accept that things are impossible to happen
added by 1001096869 143 days ago 3    0

We pray for all our leaders in this project to have all the necessary knowledge to do what is required of them for the successful completion of this project.
added by Anonymous 143 days ago 4    0


All yem holders and even all well wishers prayer for team which is working day and night, spending sleepless nights and eveng put in their time and money in order to make ends meet for sure they deserve prayers every night before we go to sleep . Where can such men and women be got who are devorted to do such work . I cant specify one by one, God bless them abundantly.

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