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is the perfect place to make a statement and crowdsource both sides at the same time to make up your own mind. From sports, to politics, religion, science, family, technology
added by Anonymous 41 days ago 0    0

Yes there is a tutorial when someone really wants to join or get a pernum account .This is important for the proper process and this symbolises ownership and privacy .
added by Anonymous 123 days ago 0    0

It depends on one of he wants to join he can join
added by EDWARD SAKA 126 days ago 1    0

Like wise if all of us get pernum then all us we shall use one currency? If not then there must be way out.
added by Anonymous 138 days ago 1    0

Yes of course there is a tutorial on how to register on safezone just visite a safezone website and watch the tutorial guide.
added by 1001277811 140 days ago 2    0

Yes it is being done by all members being helped by the first joiners in this project and I can be a waitness .
added by SAMUEL ARNOX AHIMBISIBWE 140 days ago 2    0

Is there a tutorial on how to register another person who wants to join?

There must be a tutorial on how to register another person for pernum.

Do we have something like that? If so I'd like to register some people close to me. Feel free to share your thoughts on this & if you know the tutorial exist plz share with us.

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