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all is set for the next year 2024. let's patiently keep waiting whatever will come along.
added by Anonymous 129 days ago 2    0

If Nasera Gasara is fighting for mankind's well fare then all mankind must abide with the resolution with out different.if it's quantum financial system let's go.
added by Anonymous 134 days ago 1    0

Despite the implementation of nesara and gesara irrespective of it's implementation everyone of us will reach his or her expectations.
added by 1001277811 135 days ago 3    0

For those who are lady to go they're okay.who set there pernum and they put on some things or else they have at her crypto currency on their wallets.
added by Anonymous 135 days ago 3    0


Everyone will reach the goal and the NESARA/ GESARA law will be briefly announced officially very soon.
Some small details are missing facts that are expected now.
Because the bureaucratic let's call it that is ready.

How do you vote?

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you cannot say everyone. can someone explain to me how many people have known this concept of gesara/nesara.
this will prove to you your proposition.
added by DEOGRATIAS NSENGIYUMVA 132 days ago 1    0