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A person who's a true friend will lend a friend trustfully. If you don't trust your friend then that person is never your friend it means that your friendship is based on pretence
added by Anonymous 121 days ago 1    0

It will always end up as enemies because the person whom you rent your money seated with a smile on face you end up demanding while standing with a tough face...whenever am to lend money i take it as freely given with less hopes of expecting it to be paid back
added by Anonymous 126 days ago 2    0

it has always been true that they dont pay back.
this affects the next person to ask for assistance from you!"!!
added by DEOGRATIAS NSENGIYUMVA 126 days ago 2    0

Never trust any one as far as money is concerned because it a scarce resource.
added by 1001241034 127 days ago 2    0

This is too great, I am a victim in this issue of lending money to my friends but ended up losing both. So I decided to always give that money with no expectations of paying back. So fear Allah and give just as to help. Thanks all.
added by 1001031130 129 days ago 3    0

Yes it's very true! I let a friend some money 2 years ago and he had promised to pay me in a month time but was not the case, insteady he turned against me, in that ; on several occasions this man mobilised so a gang group to knock me down but with the help of God I managed to overcome them.
added by Anonymous 129 days ago 4    0

Yeah, me I always have that problem, that when ever I lend someone some money, it will always be an uphill task to get back that money. I have resolved not to lend in oder to keep friendships. I'd rather donate.
added by 1001057999 130 days ago 3    0

In in most cases what destroy friendships is lending and following because if one fail to return what is easier is to avoid you so if you have some were you are keeping your yem please withdraw it before it is turned into real money.becouse after you will find it harder to get it.
added by Anonymous 130 days ago 3    0

Sometimes its very dangerous to help because it brings hatred
added by 1001241034 131 days ago 3    0

Some people have bad habit to the fact that some of them are good in paying evil for good that is why most people find it difficult to do good.
added by 1001277811 131 days ago 5    0

Wherever you lend some money to your friend

Sometimes it destroys your relationship when you lend a friend some money because he or she may take it for granted even if you have nothing you can do to that person.
This should be a lesson to most of us that wherever you have a friend you should not lend that person money. It is better you just give with no expectations of pay back.

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