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And according to what is going on it seems we are plural to digital world Bitcoin is on other side and we are on opposite side yet Bitcoin is the leader of crypto world .
added by Anonymous 273 days ago 0    0

If eventually that the yem do not work out as proposed I will not find it easy to control myself because I will see it as a waste of time
added by 1001277811 275 days ago 5    0


Has the saying goes, "never put all your eggs in one basket" whatever is to happen is planned. So if nothing happens take it that you have learn something new about this world. And if it happens still take it that you have learnt something new still in the digital world. And be sure to teach the lesson to your children.

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my hopes in YEM are beyond your expectations because its the only way to escape poverty line and a direct way to middle income. We greatly believe in crypto for a bright economy recovery
added by Anonymous 275 days ago 1    0