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There is a great hope upon all the yem holders in this year 2024 knowing that there will be a great turnaround
added by 1001277811 196 days ago 1    0

Yes but according to status set by unicorn network yem still has time to start faction no marry until they recognize digital currency to the public.
added by Anonymous 198 days ago 1    0

The kick start webinar always spells out the Unicorn and Yem foundation roadmap for the year, only that this time it comes with a bang of the stella blockchain.
added by Anonymous 198 days ago 2    0

Expectations are high in the upcoming 2024 kick start webinar making us very tense

The upcoming 2024 kick start webinar is full of hope for the new year roadmap in the Unicorn family and Yem foundation in general because the closing webinar last year highlighted about the start of the use of the Stellar blockchain. This new innovation is making member tense with full of imagination. I request members to hold on until the updates from this webinar, because the best is yet to come. Take things easy because this is our project meant to make us succeed.

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