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Nous sommes le pure produit et l'idéal justificatif de l'existence de Dieu
added by Anonymous 147 days ago 0    0

Godly things are complicated the holy Spirit tells us that your program was made before you and each and everything you will get is fixed, equation does playing change the program?.if not don't bathe what you have to get you will have it.
added by Anonymous 250 days ago 0    0

True because if you get a look from the past, God started the earth with creating Adam and Eve but now people in the earth are countable.
added by 1001262670 250 days ago 0    0

Dieu a créé le ciel la terre les eaux les animaux . Il est l'omnipotent, l'omniprésent, l'homniscient. Avant, la religion existait et les hommes louait Dieu dans les cynagogues . Donc Dieu a tout créé car c'est lui qui a doté l'homme d'intelligence. Les hommes agissent donc sous sa domination. L'homme est alors créé à l'image de Dieu.

added by 1001280163 256 days ago 0    0

Of a truth God is everything in life without God our life is miserable and our hope will be lost as well
added by 1001277811 272 days ago 2    0

God is the creator of everything yes but after creating he put some things manually and left others automatic so it's not everything that you have to go for it, some you have to leave it to him.
added by Anonymous 273 days ago 2    0

Awesome because if it's not Him I wouldn't been alive
added by Anonymous 274 days ago 2    0

Do any of the yem members believe that God is the of everything in life?

Because firstly, God created everything on earth. If you go farther, with Him everything is possible in life and you can only talk with Him through prayings. The only thing you have to be with is believe. 2 an example of an artist Judith Barbiry sang a song that there were no churches by then but now we have and it was like a dream the only thing is believe.

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