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All the yem holders have to put trust on yem believing that yem is s digital currency that is going to change masses
added by 1001277811 179 days ago 3    0

It will eventually start when it's time come, but the bad thing is to expecting rain in dry season , because yem is still under fine maintenance
added by Anonymous 179 days ago 3    0

No one knows but we are constantly told to humbly be patient as more developments are being worked on. We all don't know when it will work officially.
added by Anonymous 179 days ago 3    0

we had hope in yesterday's webinar but just promises were made
added by Anonymous 184 days ago 3    0

Yem has been officially recognized as digital currency that is on board now meanwhile every one has to accept the use of it
added by 1001277811 185 days ago 3    0

Christians have been waiting for the second coming of Jesus for thousands of years but never lost faith so wait and have faith YEM will work one day
added by Anonymous 185 days ago 4    0

you wait for mrs cate in tomorrows webinar you will get all the answers to your questions thank you
added by 1001280262 186 days ago 5    0

About YEM coins in the world of finance, I need help about YEM

When IS YEM starting to work officially as a digital currency because it is taking long to be announced.

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YEM is working now as a digital currency in various jurisdictions even saw how yem was used in the war of ukraine when we contributed for dispplaced people.
added by Anonymous 174 days ago 3    0