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If we use the POS option, we will strengthen YEM and our value will be even more, use it.
added by 1000818010 142 days ago 0    0

Yem surporters club is the best because it prints other yem bt for yem buy back it takes yem completely.
added by IVAN TUMUSIIME 150 days ago 1    0

added by Anonymous 151 days ago 1    0

Every yem holder should think of deposit he's/her yem in pos because it's only the safe place and where you can get profits promptly.
added by Anonymous 156 days ago 2    0

Of a truth POS supporters is greater than buy back because everyone wants a moving train where it is happening
added by 1001277811 169 days ago 2    0

POS Is a sure way of investment return on yem that is staked. However it was also worthwhile to tryout the buyback program although it wasn't supprted by the then financial process among them was the soveregn order of bank Bane Merenti. Things didn't add up to completion of the system back then.
added by Anonymous 169 days ago 2    0

And I would like to in college all yem holders to keep your yem in pos instead of investing it in other things which can lead to lose it in other items but it's safer in pos.
added by Anonymous 174 days ago 4    0

POS yem supporters club is better than BUY BACK

past year we all know on january 2023 yem buy back program started and they said next month next month now 1 year allready complet so i decided to withdraw my yem from buy back and i keep on for staking POS because there i get a compound intrest and i like to keep it for 365 days

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That have independent valuable. However different they may be in design but they both bring money. This is an investment while this is an expense.
added by Anonymous 59 days ago 0    0

Something that brings cash could be good for one or the other but they all have their purpose.
added by Anonymous 61 days ago 0    0

Depends. each projects has its own purpose which gives it strength and weakness alternatively not comparable in the long run.
added by Anonymous 174 days ago 3    0