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I just want to be able to sell my YEM as easily as I'm able to sell my Bit Coin.
added by Anonymous 133 days ago 3    0

IYC For me Am supporting to stop YEM exchange for a while because it seems some digitals coins llike BTC and ENTHELIUM coins that is were they enter from two yem foundation also is connected on that system.
added by Anonymous 137 days ago 2    0

According to me it better to cancel this site because since there is yemexchange center, this site does not have it necessity to exist. Its cancellation will bring a lot to YEM.
added by 1000083374 139 days ago 2    0

Redundancy has been its nature. Does not add value to yemholders
added by Anonymous 141 days ago 3    0

Because the USDD must be removed,the yemexchange must disappear too.
added by 1000918757 150 days ago 4    0

Because we can use digital exchange center of which is more convenient than YEM exchange
added by Anonymous 151 days ago 5    0

I can't agree more; the Digital Exchange Centre is a better version of exchange; and since "YEM is not for speculative trading", the old YEM Exchange contradicts this statement. Giving Holders an opportunity to sell/buy a little to meet a pressing need does not affect the stability of price. It is really hard to think you have value yet fail to make it help you when you are in dire need. I think too much restriction (control) has had more damage than good. If a YEM Holder can be given a chance to sell a little YEM, it would just be exchanging hands from one holder to another. It is another form of usability. YEM is YEM no matter who holds it. What good is holding YEM, valued at $25,000 yet die of sickness for lack of $1,000? In addition, this flow allows people to refill their stock of YEM after meeting a pressing need. The way we sold will be the way we buy. Lastly, limiting YEM to buying goods and services, is unrealistic. Let it flow like all assets. Thanks!
added by 1001030755 152 days ago 8    0

Since we have Digital exchange center, so the other one is not important
added by GODFREY KAYIMA 152 days ago 9    0

I agree because, it is will give a room to the adoption of the pernum pay which leads us ti the initial objectives of the yem currency to be used to purchase goods and services in our everyday lives.
added by Anonymous 152 days ago 8    0

If instead we can use pernum pay the very way yem exchange has been doing it then there is no need of keeping both of them.
added by Anonymous 153 days ago 8    0

IYC: Should the site be discontinued without replacement?

The YEM Foundation's own sales page competes with the exchange, on which YEM holders offer their YEM for sale. This competitive situation creates great frustration among YEM owners and discourages potential investors and businesses from joining the economy. Anyone who wants to buy YEM must be referred exclusively to

The YEM Foundation can use the private order function there for your purposes. The current must be switched off permanently without replacement. It is a relic from the early days of YEM and has long been redundant and harmful to liquidity on

This statement is part of the Initiative YEMCONOMY (IYC).
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