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Yem buyback should start immediately because we are tired of waiting liquidity for so long since 2017
added by Anonymous 129 days ago 2    0

Yes 100%
That is also a call back of YEM holder to the main stream. Ican see people getting used.
added by Anonymous 137 days ago 3    0

The YEMbuy back program had give much hope in 2023 but since things had gone silence and frozen the expectation of the members around the world. We thank if this program had worked it will have a positif impact on YEM holders and attract morer people in the Yem Sphere. Vividly that this program begin with more functions.
added by 1000083374 139 days ago 3    0

Wouldn't be a bad idea if promises are kept and executed. But problem arises when they are not which causes YEM holders anxiety resulting into other illnesses like hypertension and this lose interest. Even prospective YEM holders start to think that the project is a scam
added by Anonymous 142 days ago 3    0

I think a buyback program is the best way to promote our project so first
added by Anonymous 142 days ago 3    0

Why should one be discriminated when he or she made an investment to make ends meet.
I think we all need the same level of treatment.
added by Anonymous 150 days ago 3    0

Actually it's motivating the members and spreads the good news about our projects.
added by 1000003282 150 days ago 4    0

All buyback orders should be executed and paid to YEM holders in USDD which can be traded at the exchange for fiat so that YEM will make a lot of noise. And every buyer of YEM can allowed to liquid 10% of their YEM into USDD after holding it for a certain period of time.
added by Anonymous 150 days ago 3    0

The buyback orders at the DEC must be cleared soon motivation back YEM holders who have been expecting some kind of monetary incentives.
added by Anonymous 150 days ago 4    0

It bad to invest resources and even die without enjoying on them.Therefore buyback is very important even if it may be once or twice YEM holders may be releaved from different financial problems which they may be meeting in order to achieve Long waiting YEM goals.
added by Anonymous 151 days ago 4    0

Because YEM back program will let the world know that YEM is real because most of the people daught and it will encourage companies and more people to open their eyes and start doing the needful in the YEM world

added by Anonymous 151 days ago 4    0

Because yem has come to unit the whole universe hence it should be opened to all.
added by Anonymous 151 days ago 3    0

How ever, since we are not running a socialist organization, please give members the freedom to set up their public orders at leisure on the DEC. The foundation could just set the amount they may buy from individuals at a given time so that an order of such an amount can be set for an individual to have hope of a buyer. Let people from anywhere in the world go to DEC if they want YEM. I think the Foundation and all of us could then promote the DEC as the only platform for anyone to buy or sell YEM.
added by 1001030755 152 days ago 4    0

Buyback should start immediately so that supports people who accept the percentage in YEM hence promoting YEM
added by Anonymous 152 days ago 5    0

The most strategic plan and efficient way to promote all YEM is this program if not it will even take so long to accept our currency
added by GODFREY KAYIMA 152 days ago 5    1

Initially, the buyback of TEC should take place! When people bought from the TEC company 1500 YEM for 1 TEC. Now the company wants to buy them back at a price 15 times lower. This is a serious blow to your reputation! Who will believe in the future of YEM if you have already caused serious damage to the participants once?!
added by Anonymous 153 days ago 4    3

IYC: Should a buyback program be started for all YEM holders?

Promoting professional YEM sellers with fiat commissions ensures a solid financial basis for the YEM Foundation, which can serve as the basis for all other paid measures. In particular, regular, smaller buybacks can be made on DEC, which results in an immediate increase in the mood and reputation of YEM. This measure is a first step towards 100% organic liquidity and sends a signal of hope and confidence to all YEM holders, potential investors and business people who want to join YEMCONOMY. YEM could be distributed through an independent company that runs the buyback program authorized by the YEM Foundation.

This statement is part of the Initiative YEMCONOMY (IYC).
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I'm all for being able to sell my YEM, but another outside company does not do it for me. We already had to many of those that did not change anything.
added by Anonymous 133 days ago 0    1

As far as we know that Yem is built to wave away the issue of liquidity /fiat , it's time to show why Yem is being developed as a digital payment system coz as yem holders we all know that the issue is to wipe away the old fiat system .
added by Anonymous 151 days ago 1    1

That's not the popese of yem it was formed to save the popese of money then you can't exchange money with money let the popese of yem begin.lnstead of that buyback program.
added by Anonymous 153 days ago 2    5