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Yes in order to ease the process of announcing YEM World wide
added by Anonymous 101 days ago 1    0

yes because for the world to understand ,and getting domestic currency .and it will be easy to explain and when it starts,the whole world will know our long project
added by Anonymous 140 days ago 4    0

At list that can attract new people who don't know yem and to bust yem economy because if one has yem currency will look forward how to spend it there transition will be made .
added by Anonymous 144 days ago 6    0

Giving some compensation is the best ways to the credibility.
added by 1000003282 150 days ago 5    0

after 12 year i should be able to some compensation
added by William Heuser Jr. 151 days ago 6    1

yes because for the world to understand ,and getting domestic currency .and it will be easy to explain and when it starts,the whole world will know our long project
added by Anonymous 151 days ago 8    0

Yes cash back is needed for yem to be known allover the world.because it has been a long way to convince people, but if people start seeing you getting money no need for explanation.
added by Anonymous 151 days ago 9    0

Indeed to show athers and the community that yem is real cash back is the answer besides that we are not okay financially
added by Anonymous 151 days ago 8    0

I pray that the major focus will not shift to satisfying cash-back members instead of the main group; YEM Holders.
added by 1001030755 152 days ago 6    0

Of course some of us we want educate our families and friends to see however people can withdraw money from pernum
added by Anonymous 152 days ago 9    0

IYC: Should YEM Foundation offer Yem cashback to sellers?

YEM Foundation offers Yem cashback to sellers of products on major platforms such as Amazon and others, this will impact on the entry of new members and promote Yem.


This statement is part of the Initiative EYECONOMY (IYC).
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Cash backs cant in anyway entice new members cause Yem is not yet fully functional. For the above fact, there is no motivation through cash backs because there is no impact to the receiver to make a visible difference to attract the new entrants. I therefore don't agree with you; with or without YEM cashback the difference is the similarity not until YEM is made to work as was intended.
added by 1000945878 150 days ago 0    1

I am not sure whether this is a good business model. A cash back at a lower percentage of amount may work. If we can calculate a cash back amount which still gives us profit then Yes, otherwise it is No in my opinion.
added by Anonymous 150 days ago 2    1