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The anouncement of the YF BID on time is a good thing and will will allow the potential candidates to get prepared and present their program to the YEMholders for a better cast.
added by 1000083374 142 days ago 2    0

In order to get competent leads they have to be given enough time to compete for that position to get cream reader . Just
added by Anonymous 144 days ago 2    0

I support the idea for YF BID to be nominated and elected early within the three months because these are senior posts and need closer scrutiny of the next leaders. This project has lagged behind because leaders are not confident and sure of the next stage. There has been alot of guess work leading to incomplete end of new project ideas even when they have been publically shared to the members / yem holders. It is quite frustrating.
added by Anonymous 148 days ago 5    0

I'm surprised that something like this still needs to be proposed after all these years. What kind of nonsense did you do before?
added by Anonymous 148 days ago 5    0

IYC: Should the next YF BID elections be announced on time?

In order to find suitable candidates for the next term of office of the YEM Foundation Board of International Directors, it is important that the elections are announced publicly at least 3 months in advance and promoted at closely scheduled intervals.

This statement is part of the Initiative YEMCONOMY (IYC).
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