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I think that in order for better organisation than being on and off with many works
added by Anonymous 101 days ago 0    0

In order to stick to office given to him and obligations of YF he/ she would not hold enyather office.
added by Anonymous 143 days ago 4    0

Its absolutely true that any member who is on international Board of Directors should not hold another big post in another organisation or foundation of another crypto or digital currency to avoid conflict of interest.
added by 1001201751 146 days ago 6    0

Yes, please avoid curruption. There is no time to correct errors caused by opportunistic motives.
added by Anonymous 148 days ago 5    0

To be clear: it's all about leadership or ownership. The point is not that a candidate has to be unemployed and without income.
added by Anonymous 149 days ago 7    0

IYC: Holders of an office in the BID of the YF should not hold any significant other positions!

To avoid bias and conflicts of interest, holders of an office on the Board of International Directors of the YEM Foundation (BID) are not allowed to hold additional leading positions or offices in other companies, associations or foundations.

This statement is part of the Initiative YEMCONOMY (IYC).
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Currently, what could be the earnings from being member of the BID?This will be the motivation to hold BID office alone or hold any other significant office depending on what you mean.

But also,like any new business,if they hold other significant office, it would support them to market the ventures of YEM Foundation with colleagues and interactions respectfully.
added by STEPHEN NDAYISHIMYE 149 days ago 3    5