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I think that it must be transparent in order to the applicants to use their powers well not only for their own benefit but also for the YEM holders
added by Anonymous 101 days ago 0    0

We need transparent elections because we have to be unique from other systems where they could hide candidates' information and the electrolytes keep confused. Thanks
added by Anonymous 146 days ago 6    0

But this has been the case even before.
The election of the BID has been rigorous to the extent that interviews have been conducted. Minimum qualifications have been set Andi imagine that they have been used as criterion to get the right candidates for the BID.
added by STEPHEN NDAYISHIMYE 149 days ago 5    4

IYC: The application of a new BID candidate must be transparent!

It is imperative to provide the YEM Foundation electorate with as transparent and comprehensive a picture as possible of the candidates standing for election. An application form for future candidates for a position on the Board of International Directors (BID) must therefore contain certain minimum requirements that an applicant must fill out. An application video, for example, is the absolute minimum standard these days. Such a procedure also protects against possible fraudsters who may only want to use their office for their own benefits.

This statement is part of the Initiative YEMCONOMY (IYC).
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My opinion is as well have provided a CV to express the above candidate and also has a pernum there is no need of taking a video coverage which will give candidate hard time.
added by Anonymous 143 days ago 0    3