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Any honest incumbent will have no problem submitting to these measures while in office. On the contrary - he will even welcome it because it will promote the reputation of the YEM Foundation.
added by Dirk Herfurth 314 days ago 6    0

IYC: Any possible taking of advantage in the office of the BID and BND must be prevented!

All leaders are people of strong personal ambition. It is not uncommon in the private sector and in politics for people to seek office only because their applicants hope to gain personal benefits from their activities. This means that the common purpose could be ignored in certain contexts.

Why should things be different at the YEM Foundation?

In order to rule out taking advantage of someone in office, appropriate measures should be taken as a basic condition for these responsible positions. A member of the BID and BND may not have access to their main accounts during their term of office in order to protect larger sums from corrupt actions. Likewise, the accounts of family members of the YF directors should be monitored by a special committee.

Only if such restrictions are in force can it be guaranteed that all officers of the YEM Foundation work with 100% integrity.

No power of corruption!

How do you vote?

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"You're right, that's certainly a bit general. And every country fights its corrupt officials and politicians in different ways."

Now, this is another story, and you are absolutely right. So, why do you ruin such an important topic with false claims and excessive demands?

If my translation tool is right, your link is not talking about accounts or family members, but about side jobs to be reported. Actually, it has nothing to do with corription. Think about it!
added by Anonymous 312 days ago 2    3

"A member of the BID and BND may not have access to their main accounts during their term of office in order to protect larger sums from corrupt actions. Likewise, the accounts of family members of the YF directors should be monitored by a special committee."

"Every normal politician in a democratic country has to subject himself to such restrictions. Anyone who speaks out against such measures is promoting corruption."

Your conclusions are very wrong. Show me just one politician, who has no access to his main accounts, and in which country are family members´ accounts monitored by a special committee?

And to claim that all who do not support this idea are promoting corruption is lame.

added by Anonymous 312 days ago 3    3

Absolutely NO! With such restrictions no qualified person will ever apply for a position in BID or BND. If someone would be corrupt they would anyway find other ways to receive funds or benefits. And a committee watching over the accounts of family members? You must be kidding!
added by Anonymous 314 days ago 3    3