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for sure because we need to move on a Stan speed which by now we are left far behind as we're our movements are not going any where.
added by Anonymous 127 days ago 4    0

But until yem foundation it's self start acting it's roll to prove the world that yem is a currency it's self yem holder there doing nothing.
added by Anonymous 134 days ago 6    0

Yes, and to attract these people all the other proposed measures are needed. Please cast your vote everywhere so that the most appropriate measures can be selected for official voting.

Filter at the top right for IYC to find all votes.

Your voice counts and your action is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
added by Dirk Herfurth 137 days ago 6    0

IYC: The next BID shall consist of experts

For sure the former and current board members did their best for the YEM Community, but I think that for a bright future of YEM, the next BID needs to be filled with experts for blockchain, finance, tax, international affairs, and such.

This statement is part of the Initiative YEMCONOMY (IYC).
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It's not about being an expert it's about acquiring knowledge and service delivery
added by Anonymous 128 days ago 3    1