There is no doubt that digital assets and cryptocurrency transactions gained significant attention in the global digital economy.
Nigeria is not an exception in this venture. It is on record that Nigeria is a leading nation when it comes to digital assets and cryptocurrency transactions in the world. Chainalysis 2022 Global Crypto Adoption Index reports that Nigerians have, at 32%, the
highest per capita cryptocurrency adoption rate of any country in the world. The release of the national Blockchain policy for Nigeria on 17 may 2023 attest that the Nigerian Government recognize cryptocurrency as one of the components that will catalyse the adoption of Blockchain Technology. Hence, the Nigerian Government, through this Policy,provides a framework for the use of cryptocurrencies, among others, which can help to mitigate risks such as money laundering and fraud. This can help to build trust in cryptocurrency and make it more accessible to businesses and individuals in Nigeria.
The finance act as amendment and release on 24/5/2023. Shows that Section 3(a) of the Capital Gains Tax Act (CGTA) has been amended to include digital assets in the list of chargeable assets that will be subject to Chargeable Gain Tax upon disposal. Specifically, a 10% Chargeable Gain Tax will now apply to gains from the disposal of digital assets.
The finance act allow for further guidance from the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) on how this will be applicable to CGT on chargeable gains on digital assets and how it will be deducted and remitted.
The Central Bank of Nigeria on 22/12/2023 reverse the earlier circular on the ban imposed on bank to not facilitate the sales of cryptocurrency, with a new circular lifting the ban.
The Nigerian Security and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) on 15/3/ 2024 release a proposed major amendment to the rules on issuance, offering platforms and custody of digital assets to stakeholders and the general public. With these yem foundation should consider Nigeria.
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The YEM is an important step towards independence for Nigeria from the Americans and the French who openly exploited this country.
added by Gökhan Ünal 249 days ago
Yes Nigeria is good at advertising and giving big support in digital/ crypto industry,it can easily used to bust yem economy so long as they are tough the better of yem and it's functionals
added by Anonymous 315 days ago
I think let us not be selective by country in approach to the yem foundation break through. This is a world project on a lager scale. It needs a world wide approach at all fronts.
Considering a country based on many varrious crypto adoption may not necessarily guide on YEMs growth pass but rather lets develop YEM projects that build to full userbility of YEM.
The focus should be on YEM itself and we build up from there. Lets forget other crypto as a basis of promotion.
added by Anonymous 315 days ago