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It's what it, I imagine that all teams work around the same for the teams success.
added by Anonymous 70 days ago 2    0

And it's upon us to decide the future of yem, by voting we decide to what and how the future of yem will be .
added by Anonymous 86 days ago 4    0

All vote NO and stop supporting dictatorship!

Only support the interim BID by holding new BID elections. Thats their only taks and not to do major changes on the conception of YEM!

Vote NO!!!
added by Anonymous 88 days ago 3    3

The yem foundation is conducting voting to change the location of the head office from Nevada in the US plus the use of the Swiss franc as a reference currency this week upto the 3rd of Map & this is our priority now. Please go vote.
added by Anonymous 89 days ago 3    0

Members please participate in voting if your have a valid pernum

To all yem holder , please participate in the voting at yem foundation where you go to google search yem foundation after login with your pernum and pasword and master pin of yours then after openìng scrowl down and go reading at the end is where you cast your vote yes and option 1 submit . The voting will end on 3rd may. Thank u.

How do you vote?

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