Having been told that unicorn network, safe zone and yem foundation are separate entity with each having a specific function or role to play in order to promote the growth and adoption of Yem in the global financial space. It behoves on me to voice out my personal opinion on how I see each of these three entities have faired so far. While the last two that is, safe zone and Yem foundation for me have done credibly well in carrying out their functions as regards to the security and privacy of our websites and data and the engagement with government and authority respectively to create awareness on the credibility of yem. The former which is unicorn network in my view seems to be inconsistent to its approach to businesses. Until now we haven't seen any remarkable achievement from its end as regard to sealing and signing a deal with a business which accept 100% yem as a means of payment. Most of the promotion of yem to businesses is done through third parties like shopping compass, your everyday shop and shopwithyem. As big as Unicorn network is; one would have assumed that it has it own own e-commerce platform solely sponsored by it. With this assumption I think unicorn network is not working for the interest of yem foundation and yemholders.
How do you vote?
Unicorn Network is a parent company of YEM Foundation. Definitely this would mean that they have to work in their interest or vice versa since it's a Group of companies as some people have done it. Unicorn Network must ensure the success of YEM Foundation as it fulfills the interest of their mother company.
added by Anonymous 171 days ago
Maybe might be true but in the process of promoting yem any of those work hand in hand you to get the meaning of yem if one step down that when you will see it's important and impact to wards yem.
added by Anonymous 187 days ago
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added by Anonymous 188 days ago