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i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.

added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.

added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by Anonymous 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 3 days ago 0    0

It's absolutely beautiful idea but always there is long time plan. It cannot be achieved briefly but stakeholders can be entered into for faster achieve.
added by Anonymous 9 days ago 0    0

Zone supports integration to all systems that store monetary value
added by Anonymous 9 days ago 1    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 10 days ago 0    0

like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 14 days ago 1    0

Let that zone begin its work asregulators do their work of making it in line with government policies. Alot needs to be done first before regulations because the government can't regulate what is not working. So, let YEM holders begin those transactions slowly by slowly then the government will guide them later in terms of regulations.
added by Anonymous 15 days ago 1    0

True Zone is licenced and approved to operate in Nigeria. However there is a particular need of sovereign authorities and government to regulate these platforms in order to have seamless transactions. A lot needs to be done first nationally and globally.
added by Anonymous 20 days ago 2    0

Je confirme haut et élevé que ça faciliterait certains transaction bancaire et allégé la tâche au opérateur économique
added by Anonymous 34 days ago 2    0

yah that’s like 100 percent i support that like 100 percent
that would easier or will make the transition of the yem exchanges and buying and selling of staff
added by 1001030149 36 days ago 1    0


Next generationpayments infrastructure

Zone is a regulated Blockchain network that enables payments and acceptance of digital currencies. We are building one global network to pay anyone, through any means, in any currency.

Reliable Transactions

Zone layer-1 Blockchain guarantees 100% transaction success for payments made using fiat money or digital currencies.

Frictionless Operations

The network ensures that end-users interact in an easy and natural way and that service providers don’t need to make any extra effort to support payment functionality.

Universal Interoperability

Zone supports integration to all systems that store monetary value and all touchpoints used to initiate payments.

Our mission is to connect every monetary store of value using blockchain

Banks and Fintechs on our network process local and cross-border transactions initiated by their customers through various digital channels and payment instruments.

Access fast and simple APIs for multiple payment use cases

Zone is licensed and approved by the Central Bank of Nigeria

We are the first decentralized payment network powered byBlockchain to be licensed in the whole of Africa.

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