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And always the real thing the odds can not be on your side but in any way you have to look for it to sustain your goal.
added by Anonymous 1 days ago 0    0

The Yem holders and its community are the master class of patience ! We shall remain patient upto the last day.
added by Anonymous 132 days ago 3    0

The easiest thing to invest is time because even if you don't want time will be passing instead of losing it you better invest it somewhere you never know in few years you will be better.
added by Anonymous 135 days ago 1    0

i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.

added by 1001030149 152 days ago 2    0

One of Quotes of the richest person trying to advice the world on how the wealthy is built wholy !

He said "if something is important enough, even if the odds are against you , you should still do it." meaning that we shouldnt give up when investing in business though we have alot to do but let us first invest before we spend . Thats the single best piece of advice constantly think how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself. The first step is to establish that something is possible, then probability will occur. I think its possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary . All yem holders Never give up Nice time.

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