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Conversion into share values is worth it because this create space and an opportunity for the VMT Holders to secure a life time and Passive income generated from the VMT Investments thanks.
added by Zephaniah Obokello 27 days ago 1    0

It's high time for the holders to enjoy their holdings ,they have been telling people to buy shares they don't give it a damn now let's start thinking about it.
added by Anonymous 27 days ago 1    0

VMT Holding is going public in November

VMT Holding announced yesterday that they will go public later this month. They offer VMT Token holders to convert their tokens into company shares 1 token = 1 share. Shares will be traded on a stock exchange and are qualified for dividends. What do you think about this offer?

PRO = you will convert
NO! = you will keep your VMT Tokens

How do you vote?

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No most VMT holders did not invest much into the token and it is unlikely that they will turn much of it into shares. Ofcourse also the associated treansfer into shares cost is a limiting factor as well.
added by Anonymous 30 days ago 1    0

It is good that the company has given us a chance to buy the shares using the tokens, so its up to you to decide which is the best option for you personally.
added by Anonymous 32 days ago 1    0

Ruther a comment, is a question. Can one convert part of it in shares, and keep the other in tokens?
added by 1000036112 33 days ago 2    0

I wouldn't trust my VMT coins the with the stock exchange, they're all crooks! I feel that keeping this private will make the holders have more freedom to choose what they want to do.
added by 1000085535 33 days ago 2    0

it's good to be of the developmental age, the more you grow with company the better you, it provides future stability in investments, it's your future business security. it also equipts you with business knowledge.
added by Kansiime Kansiime Kahangirwe 33 days ago 6    0