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Very true and all over the world and maybe beyond.
added by Anonymous 23 days ago 0    0

It's an exciting season being the first of its kind, the competition has been organised in a new way that hasn't been the case before, the participants were increased increasing competition and number of matches for each team and hence increasing entertainment....
Its a good watch for whom will go past all the matches without being knocked out, the most exciting part is that it consists of the best teams from different leagues making it highly competitive
added by 1001286438 33 days ago 0    0

Now the big teams have to eliminate the underdog to know who is the Giant of Europe this season .
added by Anonymous 43 days ago 0    0

This will shape it better because there teams which at times are intimidated by facing a cert club from a particular country. Many teams have succumbed such situations.
added by Anonymous 61 days ago 0    0

Uefa is an interesting league of its own since it has been diversified
added by Anonymous 61 days ago 0    0

Valoarea jocurilor la nivel european și chiar mondial s-a cam echilibrat. Nu prea mai sunt echipe mici sau mari ca spectacol fotbalistic. Diferă doar sumele de bani pe care le au cluburile. Fără bani nu se poate face performanță. Fără un sistem bine pus la punct într-o țară și aici mă refer la România, nu avem echipe bune în competițiile europene și mondiale. Nu se mai investește în copilași și juniori din nefericire.
added by MEHES MIHAI 71 days ago 0    0

And now uefa cup is so competitive to the extent the new teams are now excluding the ones known for a time as Jerents so the Jerents must work hard
added by Anonymous 112 days ago 0    0

The UEFA Champions League is an exciting season

The 2024-2025 UEFA Champions League is shaping up to be an exciting season with the new format and the increased number of participating teams. It's great to see more clubs from different countries having the opportunity to compete at the highest level

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