Recently I came across a payment processor gateway by the name forumpay which appears to be attractive to register with. It seems to be offering similar services PERMUMPAY is rendering except that it accommodate reasonable number of crypto currencies to be used for transactions. Once a customer pays with a crypto currency the merchant receives his payment in fiat currency. For me this company is a strong competitor to PERMUMPAY which calls for swift action from unicorns and Yem management. It could serve as a threat to our project. However yemfoundation can partner with them.
How do you vote?
the former is soon being outcompoeted even coz time is moving
added by Anonymous 72 days ago
There are many payment systems and exchanges, however each is suited to a particular group in that crypto space. Some will cut across of course but that should never worry you. Stick to what you know and possess.
added by Anonymous 125 days ago
Please learn about purpose of YEM in general.
Please learn about purpose of YEM in general.
Please learn about purpose of YEM in general.
added by Anonymous 136 days ago
Sure. There are very many payment systems that will be created, and of course you can not stop them, but I am quite confident that the best is pernumpay.
added by Anonymous 138 days ago
Exactly what it does so it's parnumpay is going to, just set back and watch in coming time.
added by Anonymous 43 days ago
This is not a threat it is an opportunity for growth and learning.suitably they can work together for service enhancement in community.
added by Anonymous 109 days ago
But yem foundation is an independent organization which can do similar jobs so long as you support them, even they will do better than that because that is their goal.
added by Anonymous 111 days ago