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In fact we need to do kyc once and for all instead of doing it every year, people may get confused..
added by Anonymous 43 days ago
Chaque jour ci on va pour faire la vérification de compte on nous dit pas de réseau au togolais.
Mais on n'a besoin de sa . avenir appartient au Yémen si il y a la vie il y a l'expoirs
added by Anonymous 101 days ago
If you are building a factory for cement you don't use your own cement to do the warehouse because you have not yet made it. Now YEM Foundation needs funds to push her program. You shall see the 10 dollar bt the future we shall use YEM.
added by Anonymous 106 days ago
Verification is personal responsibility and teams need to know that like any institution they must be verified or account goes dormant.
added by Anonymous 109 days ago
In fact verification needs with yem currency, instead of getting Fiat to verify, and we're moving forward to crypto let's it be crypto to verify crypto.
added by Anonymous 111 days ago
Just get to know that verification is done by a contracted company or organisation which has overheads to clear and also work is done as a means of earning for that organisation. No service is done free and so verification can never be so. There is always an attached minimal cost.
added by Anonymous 125 days ago