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It's so sad that even uncon network is not excepting yem as means of payment instead they are asking for pepper money now the question is who will allow yem to function?
added by Anonymous 10 days ago 0    0

It is true there have been a lot of projects Yem Foundation Safe Zone have carried out to ensure the start of the usability of yem but in most cases the projects have ended up getting cold.
However more avenues are coming up to ensure that this goal is reached. Give it time, more new innovative ideas are in the pipeline.
added by Anonymous 25 days ago 1    0


This is my personal view and opinion. Base on the events that are happening over the past years as regards to the promotion of the use of yem by unicorn Network to it's companies I consider that the companies are yet to come term with the fact that Yem can be accepted as a means of payment. Companies such as repligold, shobbir, safeident and the likes are not accepting Yem

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You cannot afford to make such comments
YEM is a baby of YEM Foundation so they must wish it well always
added by Anonymous 13 days ago 0    0

For sure when I see and observe the changes which are taking place in the world there is a big change of migration of unlog to digital only member who do not make research and those who are not cretically observant and out of news . But yem is also among the digital currences and soon to be used my friend take care and stand firm protect your credentials safely to void regrets only.
added by 1001098163 21 days ago 0    0

Its vital that we continue to do all the best to ensure YEM in all jurisdiction is recognized.
added by Anonymous 21 days ago 0    0

Several effort is being done to increase usability in fulfillment of YEM Foundation objectives and purpose.
added by Anonymous 25 days ago 3    0