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In growth there are many problems handling development and sometimes we lane by mistake so with that unicorn will reset for better development.
added by Anonymous 16 days ago 0    0

Working alone can greatly affect the project so we need to be united for the success of the project in our different communities.
added by Anonymous 47 days ago 3    0

Yes milking a cow you don't feed is one of the factors keeping us behind, some one who haven't seen anything since he joined, and you tell him to renew his membership every year and yet he don't know when this will end.
added by Anonymous 48 days ago 3    0

No money and bad management of the projects is the main issue.
added by Joel Freitas 49 days ago 5    1

Let's talk about what could be the possible hinderances of unicorn success

According to my opinions, the unicorn network has been struggling but unfortunately has delayed or failed. Many say everything needs time, yes but now it's been extreme!
Let me show you the reasons why we have lagged behind and why we still have to if they don't change,
1. The unicorn network have been calling them selves the multiproject company focusing on mnay but unaffordable projects leading to failure. This is like when you produce many children which you can't afford looking after. You try to give them necessities but they can't be enough
2 love for money both on the side of the foundation and the YEM holders. This introduced the ten dollar verification to the extent that it is made expire after a period of one to make sure the foundation gets more money from holders. This has led the limitation of new members entering the project compared to the past and I think now it's "a new member after every 120000000 seconds" can you imagine
3 empty promise

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