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Yes we feel happy the same way as the men themselves feel happy if they are able to come back with the kavera and besides kavera serves as a reward for taking care of the home for the whole freaking day, u can't imagine how had it is. No offence.
added by 1000915989 1288 days ago 1    0

Very very true, we always feel so happy and energetic whenever we see our husbands coming home with caveras. That's a sign of love and care.
added by Anonymous 1288 days ago 0    0

Do u know women feel happy wen see u coming home with covera

Dear friends sometimes family conflicts due to misunderstings at home begins wen a women look at how their neighbors are behaving and want you to do the same especially when ur neighbor comes with black pil everyday at his home some wives copy the same thing why and yet ur not at the same level with ur neighbor

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