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Kitufu sikilungi kunyoma advise yabazadde kubanga byabayayitamu biba bingi watukira okuwabula aba nensonga eyamanyi enakuyamba
added by 1001049122 1290 days ago 0    1

Écouter beaucoup et parler peu. C'est ce que nous enseigne la sagesse africaine. Les parents et les personnes âgées sont les premières sources d'inspiration et de connaissances pour une jeunesse ambitieuse
added by 1001097739 1290 days ago 1    0

Écouter beaucoup et parler peu. C'est ce que nous enseigne la sagesse africaine. Les parents et les personnes âgées sont les premières sources d'inspiration et de connaissances pour une jeunesse ambitieuse
added by Anonymous 1290 days ago 0    0

Écouter beaucoup et parler peu. C'est ce que nous enseigne la sagesse africaine. Les parents et les personnes âgées sont les premières sources d'inspiration et de connaissances pour une jeunesse ambitieuse
added by 1001126325 1290 days ago 0    0

Parents are the earthly God, so one should never ignore there advice even if there decision is negative.
added by 1000861074 1290 days ago 0    0

Awise man once said, “Advice, like fruit, is best when it’s fresh.”

That man was Jason Fried, founder of Basecamp, and I think he’s right.

“Advice quickly decays, and 16-year-old advice is bound to be radioactive. Sharing a life experience is one thing (grandparents are great at this — listen to them!), but advice is another thing. Don’t give advice about things you used to know. Just because you did something a long time ago doesn’t mean you’re qualified to talk about it today,” Jason writes.
added by Anonymous 1290 days ago 0    0

Never ignore your parents advice.

Parents and elderly people are the source of information and advice to young people especially the youths.
The parents and the elderly have faced the experience and have ever passed through such a condition, so there fore, never ignore their advice as it may be of great importance to your life or to your health.

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I admit it, I respect my parents and really love em all, but that ain't mean i become a YES MAN to whatever their tell me, they are also humans and their can make wrong and do mistake, they see things as humans not Angels or God, so I first look in their advice, and anlyse it, decide to take it or not.
added by Tumusiime Enock 1286 days ago 0    0

Unfortunately, there are exceptions for parents who have not had a model life for their own children. Ideally, parents should be role models for teenagers.
added by Anonymous 1290 days ago 0    0